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WhiteEdge Energy is a state-of-the-art energy consulting company with a driven passion for helping organizations augment their energy usage and recede costs. Our top-notch team has extensive energy sector experience with a dedication to rectifying electricity-related problems with innovative and personalized ways out for our clients.


No 22, Ahmadu Bello Way, Kano
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McKinsey is a renowned consulting company for their devotion to bringing positive change in the world. At WhiteEdge Energy Ltd, we proudly partner with McKinsey to improve our performance and work. The purpose is to provide our clients with high-quality and effective services that can impact their lives positively.

We partner with KPMG for our energy audits and advisory services. KPMG holds a global network for the cause we aim to help our clients. 

PwC is another leading name in the tax and audit industry. We proudly partner with PwC to bring value to our working mechanism.

Our partner, a magnificent IT firm in Nigeria, Omniswift, is the top company that offers outstanding software services.